关于L的房间 | A Room about “L”
录象装置 / 2005年
Video Installation / 2005
Video Installation / 2005
A separate space
was decorated as a bedroom. A lot of vestige had been left, untidy sheet,
a large number of
tissues, red stain on the wall, a working fan falling on the ground……
At the entrance,
there was a wall embedded with a video, showing the picture of 4 channels,
each channel was
constituted by the four-frame monitor screen.
The pictures in
three of the frames were three prepared stories shot by monitor to forge the
final scene presented to the audience,
namely using
different preset events to create the same scene.
The three stories
including a killer who was abusing a little girl was a music lover,
a couple holding
birthday party, playing at the beginning and fought at the end then left,
a woman who came
home late found herself in period while she was taking on the nail polish.
The fourth picture
in the monitor screen is the real- time record of the situation that the
audience entering into the space.
It made the
audience also involved in it while they are watching the video.
I tried to present
the fiction of multi-narration and the uncertainty of the reality involved.
When the audience
tried to judge the reality, the result they obtained was the reality which I
brought to the audience.